Living with Bi-Polar

HI MY NAME IS LORI….AND I’D LIKE TO START MEETING PEOPLE WHO WANT TO LEARN, LISTEN, HELP, AND SMILE THROUGH A PROCESS OF LEARNING AND EDUCATING OURSELVES REGARDING THE MOOD DISORDER “bipolar”. “This is all new to me and I wanted to make this a giving and taking process, since there are many questions regarding this disorder and so much is still out there waiting to be discovered. I will try to post new and updated information re: this disorder and will give out my email link so if anyone has ideas or thoughts to contribute please let me know. We can slowly get to know one another and through sharing, crying and laughing maybe we can start to conquer the hows, whys, where’s and whens….. The HOW…HOW THE HELL DID WE GET IT? The WHY….WHY ME, WHY NOW, WHY DO I CARE?? The WHERE’S……WHERE DO WE START, WHERE DO WE GO, WHERE THE HELL AM I NOW?? The WHEN’S…….WHEN DID IT HAPPEN, WHEN WILL I KNOW MORE, WHEN WILL THIS ALL END?????? <<<<<>>>>>>

(I met a NUN once who was Bi-Polar and Tried to Marry her Priest…it wasn’t sacrilegious just proves that we ALL are vulnerable!)

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that causes episodes of depression (sadness and hopelessness) and episodes of mania (severely elevated mood). These episodes commonly affect your energy level, behavior, ability to function, and your ability to think clearly or make sound decisions

While there is no known cure for bipolar disorder, some medications have been approved to treat the different phases of bipolar disorder. SEROQUEL is approved to treat the depressive episodes and the acute manic episodes in bipolar disorder. A Range of Moods It may be helpful to think of the various mood states in bipolar disorder as a range: At one end of the range, there is severe mania. Mania is characterized by periods of elated mood, which can include racing thoughts, extreme irritability, or reckless behavior. It can cause you to do to STRANGE THINGS and SOME PEOPLE LIKE ME I MISSED THOSE TIMES!!


In the middle, there is the normal or balanced mood state. This is a time during which you are relatively free of the signs and symptoms associated with bipolar disorder. At the other end of the range, there is depression, which can be mild to moderate or severe. Depression involves overwhelming feelings of sadness, worthlessness, and hopelessness. Now on the BIG QUESTION!! How do I know….I HAVE IT? NOW I’D LIKE TO INTERJECT SOME OF MY OWN PERSONAL NOTES: I was diagnosed with Bi-Polar in 2005, only 4 yrs. after returning from Iran. Once I was informed of the symptoms and the behaviors I was dumbfounded…… These behaviors and my whole life it seemed had been controlled by an UNCONTROLLED DISORDER…known as BIPOLAR!!!! So much has changed since being diagnosed that I couldn’t possibly fill you in about all the changes. But since I DO HAVE IT….and I have become acquainted with some VERY REAL friends that also have it…I decided to start this page and section and focus on the disorder. NOT ONLY WILL WE LEARN ABOUT THE DISORDER TOGETHER, WE WILL HELP EACH OTHER, LEAN ON EACH OTHER AND MOST OF ALL KEEP TELLING EACH OTHER THAT WE ARE IMPORTANT AND WORTHY OF LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING. LETS GET STARTED DOING SOMETHING THAT ALOT OF US WONDERED IF WE’D EVER DO…… LIVING!!!!! ****I would like to add that I am under the care of two highly educated, experienced, and most of all COMPASSIONATE AND UNDERSTANDING doctors that treat me for my bipolar and the PTSD disorder I suffer from. These doctors are fine representatives of HENRY FORD HEALTH SYSTEMS in Detroit, Michigan. I also suffer from drug addiction and take the drug known as “SUBOXONE” there are two wonderful sites dedicated to Suboxone and Addiction click the links below and be sure to donate when you can! PATIENT’S STORIES-SUBOXONE ASSISTED TREATMENT I know several people through groups and developing friendships throughout the years that have these two disorder as well as PTSD. I am VERY PROUD TO be able to share these links with you! SITES LIKE THESE ARE NOT ONLY SUPPORTIVE BUT SO NEEDED TO GET THE WORD OUT ABOUT SUBOXONE AND DRUG ADDICTION The other link which is a FANTASTIC SITE is METHADONE-ADDICTION-RECOVERY


That was my classic symptom of when the MANIA crashed with the DEPRESSION!! What is bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder is an illness that causes extreme mood changes from manic episodes of very high energy to the extreme lows of depression. It is also called manic-depressive disorder. This illness can cause behavior so extreme that you cannot function at work, in family or social situations, or in relationships with others. Some people with bipolar disorder become suicidal. Having this disorder can make you feel helpless and hopeless. But you are not alone. Talking with others who suffer from it may help you learn that there is hope for a better life. And treatment can help you get back in control. Family members often feel helpless when a loved one is depressed or manic. If your loved one has bipolar disorder, you may want to get counseling for yourself. Therapy can also help a child who has a bipolar parent. What causes bipolar disorder? The cause of bipolar disorder is not completely understood. We know that it runs in families. It may also be affected by your living environment or family situation. One possible cause is an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. What are the symptoms? The symptoms depend on your mood swings. In a manic episode, you may feel very happy, energetic, or on edge. You may feel like you need very little sleep. You may feel overly self- confident. Some people spend a lot of money or get involved in dangerous activities when they are manic. After a manic episode, you may return to normal, or your mood may swing in the opposite direction to feelings of sadness, depression, and hopelessness. When you are depressed, you may have trouble thinking and making decisions. You may have memory problems. You may lose interest in things you have enjoyed in the past. You may also have thoughts about killing yourself. The mood swings of bipolar disorder can be mild or extreme. They may come on slowly over several days or weeks or suddenly over a few minutes or hours. The mood swings may last for a few hours or for several months. How is bipolar disorder diagnosed? Bipolar disorder is hard to diagnose. There are no lab tests for it. Instead, your doctor or therapist will ask detailed questions about what kind of symptoms you have and how long they last. To be diagnosed with bipolar I disorder, you must have had a manic episode lasting at least a week (less if you had to be hospitalized). During this time, you must have had three or more symptoms of mania, such as needing less sleep, being more talkative, behaving wildly or irresponsibly in activities that could have serious outcomes, or feeling as if your thoughts are racing. In bipolar II disorder, the manic episode may be less severe and shorter. Your urine and blood may be tested to rule out other problems that could be causing your symptoms. How is it treated? The sooner bipolar disorder is identified and treated, the better your chances of getting it under control. One of the most important parts of dealing with a manic episode is recognizing the early warning signs so that you can start treatment early with medicine that is especially for manic phases.

A variety of medicines is used to treat bipolar disorder. You may need to try several before you find the right combination that works for you. Most people with bipolar disorder need to take a medicine called a mood stabilizer every day. Medicines called antipsychotics can help get a manic phase under control. Antidepressants are used carefully for episodes of depression, because they cause some people to move into a manic phase. People often have to try several different medicines before finding what works for them. Regular checkups are important so that your doctor can tell if your treatment is working. Counseling for you and your family is also an important treatment. It can help you cope with some of the work and relationship issues that your illness may cause. Charting your mood is one way you can start to see your patterns and symptoms.

Keep a notebook of your feelings and what brought them on. If you learn what triggers your mood swings, you may be able to avoid them sometimes. People often stop taking their medicines during a manic phase because they feel good. But this is a mistake. You must take your medicines regularly, even if you are feeling better. Who is affected by bipolar disorder? Over 3 million Americans—about 1% of the population, or 1 in every 100 people—have bipolar disorder, with similar rates in other countries.1 Bipolar disorder occurs equally among males and females. It often begins between the ages of 15 and 24. THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY COME AGAIN

5 thoughts on “Living with Bi-Polar

  1. Lori,a beautiful article.I am a bipolar for the last 40 years,and i have been struggling since then.But i am also very creative.This has not only been a bane but a boon too.Your email?


  2. Hi Lori!

    I came to blogging recently to fill the same void that you describe: finding others to relate to! When I was diagnosed with bipolar at age 35 (January 2010), it explained sooooo much of my past…my whole life, really. It was a relief, yet it also caused me to begin doubting every single decision that I made and emotion that I felt after that diagnosis. I couldn’t even decide if I liked something anymore! I still have my moments, but I am stronger and more stable now. I am following your blog and will definitely be commenting on your posts!

    Nice to meet you,



    • Jenn,
      I understand completely. And now that those closest to me know about my disorder I think they rely too much on it to exxplain away certain reactions. Like if I get upset over a matter, they think I’m just manic. Which irritates me. Why can’t we have normal reactions of being mad and excited or upset without asking us if we’d taken our meds, or dismissing it as bipolar.
      The press gives a lot of bad news about bipolar. You see these NCIS episodes where someone has killed a zillion people and then they offhandedly say, he “had bipolar”. Which gives people the idea that bipolar could cause someone to be a psychopathic killer.
      Don’t doubt your decisions, you can’t change the past. I’m on Lamictal now since I’ve been back from Iran and being beaten in that camp, I think the head injuries made my bipolar worse. I get more overly excited when I’m stressed.
      Well I’m glad to have you on board. Don’t be afraid to share and be sure to check out my book on Amazon. There are links to it on the sidebar of the blog. Thanks again, Lori


  3. Lori, I’m sure your blog will be helpful to so many people — both those who suffer from Bipolar disorder and those whose loved ones have the disorder. Good work!


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