My Synopsis on this PTSD

Trenton you are hearing advice from a very knowledgable lady that is CYNTHIA PUDRITH, we know each other well.  We were both in the same PTSD group and I’ve come to love her like a sister, well in my case MORE THAN MY SISTER..(Long story).

Forget and ignore that other entity that thinks she knows everything.  She is only in here to stir up shit and make people feel bad.  It’s obvious she doesn’t know her ass from a hole in the ground.  And the only reason I approved her post is because I believe in freedom of speech.  We can learn from everyone even the dull and ignorant, even if it’s learning how to NOT BE LIKE THEM.

I get where your coming from.  My PTSD wasn’t caused by what yours was, but I was in an Iranian torture camp, and Cynthia has went through a HELLISH, HORRIFIC experience but I will let her share if she feels comfortable.

There will always be people like this KNOW NOTHING, and I’m not saying that to just condemn her, I TRULY BELIEVE THIS TO BE TRUE.

If you ever want to be excluded from any further posts of hers, let me know, but it sounds like you are more than holding your own, and you have the UTMOST RESPECT from me.

I’m so happy to have met you, and to know there are other human beings out there that genuinely care for others.  God Bless, Lori


2 thoughts on “My Synopsis on this PTSD

  1. Salut!! You said it as GOOD as anyone else because your a survivor with PTSD, and I’ve seen how you get so exhausted, I wasn’t around in the early days when you had all that chaos in your life due to PTSD, I wish I had have been, not because I want to see you in pain but to help you as much as you’ve helped me.


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