Featured Author: Lisa Capehart

Featured Author:      

L. J. Capehart


1.   Please introduce yourself. Tell us a little about the person behind the pen.

I live in Texas with my husband, and two of our six children. I love spending time with my new Granddaughter as much as I can. I’ve always wanted to become a writer, but never had time until recent years (as you can well imagine!). I still homeschool my youngest daughter, but she’s my last teenager.

2.    What made you decide to write (the genre of your book), were there any influencing factors, or were any of the stories based on true events.

I’ve read science fiction and fantasy for most of my life. My favorite author is Andre Norton. I think her work has influenced my writing, though my style is somewhat different

3.    How do you promote your book, and do you find that difficult or just par for the course.

I’m a fairly new writer, and still have a lot to learn about promotion. It is difficult for me, but I’m learning!

4.    Do you remember your first review and how it made you feel?  (If it was a bad one, also tell about your good one too).

My first review wasn’t very long ago! It truly made my day. It was 5 stars, and I had to share that with everyone I know.

5.    Tell us about your book and if it’s a series and how the public is reacting to this book.


I have 2 written, neither is a series. My favorite is the second, “Cube of Trevalia”. Sadly, it is still largely unknown. It’s a fantasy, about a family that is magically transported to another world, where they face danger in the search for a way home.

6.     Can you share any and all links that are important to you as a person and the book?  (You can relate more to a book if you know more about the author).  

Here’s the link to the book: http://www.amazon.com/Cube-Trevalia-L-J-Capehart-ebook/dp/B00D3V0JO0

My Author Facebook is: https://www.facebook.com/ljcapehartauthor

My Twitter account: https://twitter.com/Ljcapehart

My Blog is:  http://ljcapehart.wordpress.com/

7.      I’ll wrap it up with this question since “7” is a lucky numberJ.   Can you share an excerpt from your book, and I’d like to thank you so much for taking time to share your book with me. Please share as much as you’d like.

Chapter One   

The storm had come up suddenly. Seth Tucker had been so intent on the object on the table in front of him that he hadn’t noticed. A sudden, thunderous boom made him jump.
Glancing out the window of the cabin, Seth hurried over to the door. The rain hadn’t started yet, but there was a strong wind blowing. The tall, slightly husky, 36 year old moved out to the deck to retrieve the deck chairs before they could be blown out into the yard.
After carrying them in and closing the door, he absent-mindedly smoothed his dark blond hair down while he watched the sky light up every few seconds with lightning. Large drops of rain started to pelt the window in front of him. It rapidly became a heavy downpour.
Seth turned and started toward the table again, only to stop, astonished at what he saw. The square, metal box that he’d been studying so intently several minutes ago had undergone a dramatic change!
What had mere moments ago been just a silver-gray metallic looking box with odd, circular, flat disks spaced along its sides and top, was now alive with a strange glow. As Seth watched, unsure of what was happening or what to do about it, small strings of what looked like electricity began playing across the surface of the box. Both the light and strings of electricity began to expand outward, filling the entire cabin in moments!
Seth was caught up in it all before he had a chance to move for the door. He found himself unable to move as electricity danced around him. His skin tingled from it. He had the absurd thought that this might be what it would feel like to be inside of one of those globes that the kids liked at the mall; the ones where the electricity followed their hands as they moved them along the surface.
A strange crackling sound had begun at the same moment as the rest of it. The noise grew in intensity, as the light grew brighter. A sound of wind joined all the rest, as if a storm moved inside the cabin, in conjunction with the storm outside.
Seth felt like he should be running for the door, or throwing himself to the ground, but he was unable to move. He couldn’t even close his eyes. All he could do was stand and watch as the light and sound became his whole world…
Thank you so much for interviewing me, Lori! It’s been a pleasure.

***Lisa Capehart is an accomplished author and very good colleague of mine.  I highly recommend you sample her book

4 thoughts on “Featured Author: Lisa Capehart

  1. Lori, Just to let you know I’ve been leaving comments on all the interviews you posted, and clicking “like”. Hope this helps with your blog visibility.


    Cynthia A xxoo IPPY Award-Winning Author, Front Row Center Reader’s Favorite International Award Winner, The Speed of Dark Words and Passion http://www.wordsandpassion.com


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