Featured Author: Cynthia Ainsworthe

Featured Author:

 Cynthia B. Ainsworthe


1.   Please introduce yourself. Tell us a little about the person behind the pen.

I’ve always have been interested in writing since childhood, around the age of eleven or twelve. A career in writing was not supported by my father. At that time, he gave me the choice of “suitable” life-paths for women.

2.    What made you decide to write (the genre of your book), were there any influencing factors, or were any of the stories based on true events. 

Romance has always been my favorite genre with a suspense component. The dynamics of a relationship with feelings not verbally expressed which can prove chaotic to characters fascinates my imagination. Words not said that should have been revealed can lead to misunderstandings and gross assumptions.

All my plots are fiction. Characters are a composite of people I have known or observed. Events are also fictional. Reference to Paris is from my past frequent trips to that beautiful city.

3.    How do you promote your book, and do you find that difficult or just par for the course.

Social media and word of mouth has been my mainstay of marketing.

4.    Do you remember your first review and how it made you feel?  (If it was a bad one, also tell about your good one too).

My first review was a 5-star review, many other 5-star reviews followed. Then shortly later, another 5-star review from illustrious Midwest Book Review with the heading “original and riveting”. I was on cloud nine and beyond. “Front Row Center” was my debut novel. This confirmed, in my mind, that writing was my long-awaited destiny. Also, I won the prestigious IPPY Award (Independent Publisher) in romance, out of 3175 total international entries. I still can’t wrap my mind around that win. I entered that contest on a whim. Also, my book was the only one published in pdf format on a CD-ROM, competing with paperbound books. I didn’t feel I had a chance in that contest. At that time, e-books were not heard of on the literary scene. Due to the length of 1096 pages, paper and ink was not an option as a publishing design.


5.    Tell us about your book and if it’s a series and how the public is reacting to this book.

“Front Row Center” is the first in a small series, possibly three. I’m currently rewriting the sequel “Remember?” manuscript, then the editor will review my first draft. I’ve had many requests for this next book by my fan readers.

My Hollywood agent suggested “Front Row Center” should be on the big screen. That said, I put feelers out there on social media. Scott C Brown (producer, director, author, screenwriter) in Hollywood is working with me to adapt “Front Row Center” to a mini-series and feature film script. He feels very strongly about this project; that my story should be put to film. There has been an announcement of such in Max It Magazine on the web. http://maxitmagazine.com/index.php/articles/newss/348-ippy-award-winner-front-row-center

FRC ROM back

I have completed a cookbook awaiting assembly, “Front Row Center’s Passion in the Kitchen”. It is a compilation of my favorite French recipes with luscious photos of food and tantalizing men. I wanted to take a novel approach to a cookbook that would embrace not only the passion of food, but the passion of the heart.

A children’s picture book, “Jacques Learns a Lesson” is in development with the story completed. I am working with the illustrator for the right feel for this delightful tale of three poodles.

I’m plotting out another novel, “Shadow Footsteps”, which will refer back to “Front Row Center” with focus on another character, “Cindy Hastings”, daughter of “Taylor”.

I was fortunate and honored for two of my short stories, When Midnight comes and Characters included in the horror anthology “The Speed of Dark” compiled by Clayton C. Bye, published by Chase Enterprises Publishing. I share the prestigious award Reader’s Favorite International Award in fiction anthology with extremely talented and well-known authors.

  1. 6.     Can you share any and all links that are important to you as a person and the book?  (You can relate more to a book if you know more about the author).

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Front-Row-Center-Cynthia-Ainsworthe/dp/0980245907/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1345825833&sr=1-1&keywords=cynthia+b+Ainsworthe

Max It Magazine: http://maxitmagazine.com/index.php/articles/newss/348-ippy-award-winner-front-row-center

Website : www.wordsandpassion.com

Twitter : https://twitter.com/CynB_Ainsworthe

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/cynthiabainsworthe/

Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cynthia-B-Ainsworthe/38240446635

Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/cynthia.b.ainswortheauthor

The Write Room Blog: http://www.thewriteroomblog.com/?p=366

Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/113161613106805720101/posts

Goodreads Profile: https://www.goodreads.com/author/dashboard

Goodreads Front Row Center Profile: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10014677-front-row-center

WordPress Personal Blog: http://ainsworthe1.wordpress.com/

Blogspot Personal Blog: http://cynthiaswordsandpassion.blogspot.com/

7.  I’ll wrap it up with this question since “7” is a lucky numberJ.   Can you share an excerpt from your book, and I’d like to thank you so much for taking time to share your book with me. Please share as much as you’d like.

 The back copy of “Front Row Center” reads:


Their attraction was electric, their affair explosive, and their love—devastating to the lives of others.

It all starts at a concert. Taylor Allen, a happily married businesswoman, finds herself attracted to a very popular singing idol. Larry Davis, a world-renowned singer and bachelor, who feels his only love is his music, is drawn to Taylor at one of his concerts. She sits in the front row, center seat, when their eyes meet. They both feel electricity pass between them. Is this the beginning of love?

Here’s an excerpt approximately one-third into “Front Row Center”:


Tension and restlessness filled Taylor’s body. She decided to go for a swim. Caught up in the Larry Davis fantasy, her head reeled, making sleep elusive. She assumed a few laps in the pool would rid her mind of Larry’s charisma. She wore the same turquoise bikini that flattered her figure perfectly, and enhanced her tantalizing curves.

Taylor took a towel from her bathroom. She walked through the sliding glass doors to the patio. The stone felt cold beneath her bare feet.

The soft sound of rippling water made Taylor stand still for a long moment at the deep end of the pool. She looked at the trim male form swimming effortlessly away from her. His wet hair glistened in the moonlight. She walked closer, and her eyes narrowed as she focused. It’s Larry taking a leisurely swim. Interesting! Clearly, he never heard her footsteps as she approached the edge.

Larry swam with his eyes partially shut. She stood very still, and enjoyed the sight of his bare buttocks—so firm and desirable. Taylor blushed at this thought. Larry changed his direction. Turning, he swam back toward the deep end, near Taylor. His eyes caught sight of her. Quickly, Larry swam to the edge. He pressed his body against the pool wall with his arms resting on the ledge, as he obviously tried to preserve a semblance of modesty.

“How long have you been standing there?” Larry asked. Clearly, he felt embarrassed and compromised. “How much of my naked body have you seen?” His eyes traveled up her body, from her long, shapely legs, then to her firm, full breasts, finally resting his gaze on her beautiful sensual blue-green eyes. Larry swallowed hard, and took a deep breath. The moonlight enhanced her allure.

“Long enough to know I like what I see.” Taylor ran her tongue suggestively along her lips. She felt adventurous and secure in her own self-control.

“Be serious,” Larry said lightly, as he held back a laugh, from the humorous situation.

“I am serious … you’re a very attractive man. I bet I’m the only fan who’s seen you in your birthday suit,” Taylor quipped. She noticed the glimmering droplets of water fall from his hair onto his broad and strong shoulders.

He replied lightly, “You certainly are. This goes no further—I have to keep the fans guessing—can’t be advertising all my secrets.”

“Willing to share some of those ‘secrets’ with me, Larry?” Taylor felt free to send mixed messages. Larry had always treated her as a lady, and she believed he would continue this same behavior.

“You’ve seen enough of my ‘secrets’ tonight.” Larry turned serious. “Please hand me that towel, so I can get out of the pool.”

She flirted as if she talked to Paul, and not to Larry. She dangled the towel in her hand, just out of his reach. “Why don’t you climb out of the pool and get it yourself?” He clung to the pool edge, then lunged at the dangling cloth with his free hand.

“Taylor! This isn’t funny anymore! Give me the damn towel!” Obviously, his patience was at its breaking point. His face spoke of desire that turned to anger.

Taylor recognized his irritation. “I’m sorry, Lar … I was just having some fun.”

“The kind of ‘fun’, as you call it—is no fun to me!” His irritation continued. “I had no idea you were gonna take a swim at the same time—if I had, I would’ve never come out here.”

Larry swam to the nearby ladder. She was curious to see all of him. Taylor reluctantly handed him the towel. Still in the pool, he wrapped it around his waist, as the terrycloth soaked up the water. Larry climbed the ladder steps carefully as he held the towel securely around his waist.

***Cynthia is an awesome writer and friend and colleague.  I suggest strongly that you read her book.   Thank you for your interview Cynthia and wish you the best!

26 thoughts on “Featured Author: Cynthia Ainsworthe

  1. Congratulations to both Lori and Cynthia! This is a woderful interview and gave me much more insight into Cynthia. I am pulling for you on the movie front and wish you continured sucess with all your other interesting projects, Mary Firmin.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello again. What a treat to get to know so many fine authors and also see another talented side of Lori. Thank you both for the opportunity to take a break and learn more about my colleagues. Cynthia I wish you the very best with your plans and will see you on the big screen some day.



  3. This is a great interview and I do like the excerpt of your book! Well done, Cynthia. And thank you Lori for introducing Cynthia! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow! I love how this interview was set-up using excerpts from a highly interesting book which sounds like a page turner, Cynthia.

    You’ve done a he’s job as usual. You are such a great friend of ours.

    I wish you both much success.



  5. Cynthia, it’s been a pleasure to learn more about you, your work in progress and your future plans. I love the way you write and your integrity as a person. Looking forward to the movie, which I predict will be a blockbuster!


  6. Lori and Cynthia, what a terrific interview! What a wonderful pleasure to not only learn more about an author’s book but the author herself! I am reading Front Row Center and lovin’ it! Unfortunately, I had to put it down for awhile because ‘life’ got in the way! From what I have read so far, I can definitely see this book as a mini-series or a movie. Definitely perfect for film!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Lori, Thank you for this opportunity to introduce myself and my writing. I have enjoyed this interview experience with you. Reading the interviews of other talented authors on your blog brightens my day with interesting content.
    Cynthia B Ainsworthe


    • Thank you Cynthia, it was a pleasure having you and finding out more about you, and I strongly recommend this book to everyone!


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