Time to reunite..for THANKSGIVING

Thankful We Are Friends! Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is supposed to be a time to relax, watch football, share a good meal with friends and family.  Let us not forget that while we have the capabilities and people around us to be happy, eating and laughing; homeless and the poor do not!

Volunteering at your local homeless shelter or a church that reunites people for this holiday.  There are many homeless people that aren’t the stereotype of what we perceive, and even if they were they also need help and love.  The fact of the matter is, if people look up to you for food, and socialization then they are humble and should be prayed for and helped.

While I know we all can’t be lifesavers everyday of our life, obviously budgets. weekly pay, and supporting our own families is usually all one can afford.  But also remember that some of these homeless people have been veterans who were willing to die for our country and people they don’t even know or have seen their faces.

So lets make Thanksgiving not just a day for our families; but a day we pray for the homeless, a day we can help them, but let this only be a starting point for what we could volunteer for, donate for, or just spend some time with someone and LISTEN.  We are all so caught up with ourselves that we don’t even realize there are OTHER people and sometimes it’s your own family you forget.  CELL PHONES, VIDEO GAMES these have stolen our children from us….yet the families play a role in this as well.  Tomorrow take a moment to put your cell phones away, help mom or day with cooking or other things, forget video games and reunite with your family.   And WHO KNOWS you might actually enjoy spending time with them.

Just my thoughts on a day WORTH GIVING THANKS FOR!

Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless,

Lori Foroozandeh