Blogging 2012




This has been the first truly active, successful blogging that I’ve ever done.  I have met some pretty extrordinary people, matter of fact they all are extrordinary!  Not only have the people I’ve met had their own downfalls and disasters in life, they have survived, and have made their life better despite it.

Sometimes in life we have to be slapped in the face before we realize just how lucky we are in life.  Materialism is the way of society today as is technological toys that take our minds off of reality.  But along with that passage of reality we fail to meet people that could influence or change our lives in a more “REAL” fashion.

While I begrudge the technology that is forcing us into “BOT reality, where communication is no longer face to face, and we never have to deal with rejection due to just tapping a button if we don’t want to continue reading what we think is “bad news”.

I believe insecurity is what feeds this type of communication.  We no longer have to fear the thought that someone might not want to talk to us, or like us so we just delete them from a list and put them on another “LIST”.  We become so absorbed with this cyber world that it is turning our lives into one anti-social desert of lonliness.  Sure we can maintain our confidence that we are popular by keeping those like us and that LIKE US on a networking site, but we are failing at human interaction.   Even bullying has become a cyber sport.

I really feel sorry for the kids that won’t be able to go to school football games and “INTERACT, or go on hayrides during Halloween, or sledding during winter.  We DONT do that anymore, instead we are running into telephone polls and falling into manholes because were not watching where we are going, all the while texting our friend who is walking behind us.  Growing up is no longer the same, and being a kid is no longer the same.  Sad but true so we have to deal with it.

BUTTTTT the one thing I can say for sure that is positive out of all of this is meeting my fellow bloggers and AUTHORS.  To be allowed to talk to people from different points in the country and be able to share with each other lifes ups and downs all the while trying to tell stories that we hope will inspire, teach and touch others emotions is a WONDERFUL thing.

I get confused with all these blogging awards and their stipulations about posting this sentence and sharing this link while answering this question to accept it.  I’m not saying thats a bad thing because everyone involved should get recognition.  But please don’t fault me if I don’t respond appropriately or thank the wrong person, or even moreso don’t thank the right person.  Therefor I would just like to award one big


I hope everyone gets a chance to visit and interact with the women I’ve met since blogging.  They are truly INSPIRATIONAL, KIND and PATIENT women.  Sadly you won’t be able to meet one of them, for she passed away in a house fire with her husband in 2012.   But she does deserve recognition   Sandra McLeod Humphrey who was very prolific in writing childrens books.  She will be sadly missed in the literary world and amongst her friends and colleagues.      As for the rest of these fine women I will list their sites below and be sure to visit these site, I’m sure you will laugh, cry and recognize why these women are so special.  But always remember……


Once more THANK YOU ALL FELLOW BLOGGERS who have allowed me into your circle and have accepted me as your FRIEND!  Salut to 2013

Rosemary Adkins  be sure to buy the book and aid in the continued research on diabetes.

Micki Peluso

Sharla Shults  and

Christine Hannon

Delinda McCann

Deirdre Tolhurst

Raani York

Sylvia Massara

Posthumously Sandra McLeod Humphrey

Sandy Nachlinger & Sandra Allen

Lisa Fender

Manic Jenn

Jessie Tyson


and my own hometown writers group


Thank you all, you couldn’t have been kinder and more accepting of a group.  Lori

Donations for SANDY HOOK SHOOTING community

If you’d like to give a monetary donation to the community of Newtown, CT that will be utilized to help the families of victims, you can go to this site:

Some may need help for funeral expenses, or other. Many will need help with counseling costs, I beg you to help this comminity and contact your local congressman and get the ball rolling on GUN CONTROL! NOONE needs an assault rifle!

These children who witnessed this will no doubt suffer from PTSD.  Lets show our support and help (if were able to).  I can’t imagine losing a child that had just started out in life.

These children do sound like angels and they are with God now!

God Bless them all!!

Link to my Discovery Channel Interview

I have updated information that was kind of disappointing to me.  I will be on Discovery Fit & Health on 12-27 @ 10PM  I’m on with two other people (this I didn’t know about) I’m the last line of the description where it says “a knight in shining armor turns out to be a girls nightmare”

Here is the link.

I have to start somewhere I guess to get this vital information out there regarding international domestic violence, and visiting foreign countries .

I hope you all watch it and share the link.   Thanks, Lori

Our prayers and hearts go out to Newtown, Connecticut (Sandy Hook Elementary School.

While we can’t be there with them in the physical sense we are more than with them in spirit and prayers.  May God Bless them all and help them find some meaning to this incident.
No one quite understands until after an incident why or what happened, and this makes life even more unfair and confusing and can alter our faith in God.  If nothing else it makes us question his intentions.  But keep believing, your babies are with God now, and I’m sure that Heaven is welcoming in a BUNCH OF ANGELS .  Those we lose will always be with us, our love transcends the limits of time and circumstance, so never give up in your beliefs.  Please don’t let this keep you from loving again, because that is exactly what your child would NOT want you to do.

These children were at the point in their life that they trusted and loved and looked forward to trusting more and loving more, so don’t take that away from them by not continuing to do this.  They will look down upon you and you will feel them.  You will know when they are watching over you during an important event in your life.  You won’t be able NOT TO FEEL THEM.  Just embrace this and love life even more.  There is way more in life to be happier and expectant about than what these sick animals want us to think or they  try purposely to snuff that our of our lives.  Don’t let them, they will be dealt with.  Call it what you may, ying/yang,karma or justice.  God will make them answer for their deeds, and I’m sure it won’t be pretty.

Here is something that might help us give Sandy Nook Elementary some support now:

The following is taken from Sandy Hook Elementary Massacre facebook page:

“If you would like to mail sympathy cards, postcards or letters of support, even teddy bears for the children and solidarity to the school, the school address :

Sandy Hook Elementary School 

12 Dickenson Drive

Sandy Hook, CT 06482

Please copy/paste/share widely. Sending a card is something small but at least it’s something we can do.”

Update to the Blog of the Year award!

In the original blog post about the Blog of the Year Award 2012, I extended THANK YOUs to

Sharla Shults and if I didn’t thank I would for

Raani York

I would like now nominate those people I didn’t forget but somehow was too much in a hurry to get the blog out thanking people that I might not have included people, and if I didn’t post this on your site it is because I can’t sign in or reply on your site.

Those that were missing for their nomination of BLOG OF THE YEAR 2012 AWARD are: Sylvia Massara Serendipity  Delinda McCann

Amd Posthumously  Sandra McLeod Humphrey

May you rest in peace Sandra.

Thank you all, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it!

Lori Foroozandeh

Lori has now reached half of the pyramid with 3 STARS!

Hugs and a huge Thank You goes to each of the following. .

Blog of the Year!

I want to thank those that have nominated me for blog of the year award including my newest rewards, Catnipfile and Awakenings. I have yet to figure out how to exactly thank them and nominate those that I forgot, so please I beg of you please email me and let me know.  I don’t by ANY MEANS want anyone to think that I’m taking this wonderful award for granted and not appreciating it.  Thanks Lori.

Discovery Channel documentary AIR DATE!!!


I was informed by the producer of the Discovery Channel that my documentary would air on 12-272012 at 10pm on Discovery Fit and Health.  I will be looking forward to your comments, and I hope the truth will prevail, it could only help me and my future advertisement endeavors more!  Thank you all for supporting me through this time!


Blog of the Year 2012 awards!

I would like to thank SHARLA LEE SHULTS for her awarding me my first BLOG OF THE YEAR 2012 AWARD.
I have listed my blog award from Sharla below.  I only have one at the moment…”I’m keeping my fingers crossed”.

Blog of the Year 2012’ Award

(This has been copied word for word for accuracy. It is suggested you do the same…makes posting easy!)

Do you know a blog that deserves an award?

Do you have special blogs that you love to read?

Which blogs do you bookmark and follow?

Would you like to give them an award this year?

Then the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award is for you!

The ‘rules’ for this award are simple:

1 Select the blog(s) you think deserve the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award.

2 Write a blog post and name/tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – there’s no minimum or maximum number of blogs required – and ‘present’ them with their award.

3 Please include a link back to this page Blog of the Year 2012 Awardand include these ‘rules’ in your post (please don’t alter the rules or the badges!)

4 Let the blog(s) you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the ‘rules’ with them

5 You can now also join The Facebook group – click ‘like’ on this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award Facebook group and then you can share your blog with an even wider audience

6 As a winner of the award – please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award – and then proudly display the award on your blog and sidebar … and start collecting stars…

Yes – that’s right – there are stars to collect!

Unlike other awards which you can only add to your blog once – this award is different!

When you begin you will receive the ‘1 star’ award – and every time you are given the award by another blog – you can add another star!

There are a total of 6 stars to collect.

Which means that you can check out your favorite blogs – and even if they have already been given the award by someone else – you can still bestow it on them again and help them to reach the maximum 6 stars!

‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award Badges

There are six badges for you to collect – you can either ‘swap’ your badge for the next one each time you are given the award – or even proudly display all six badges if you are lucky enough to be presented with the award six times!


Need to know more? Check out the FAQ page

And Congratulations! on being chosen for the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award!


‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award – thumbnails

Here are the 6 awards in thumbnail size for your sidebar – feel free to Right Click and save any of the images on this page:



So there you go those are the rules and the name of the game.

The blogs listed below are those that have graciously accepted me into their “ELITE” world and I couldn’t thank them en

For those of you who want to play, the ball is in your court!

[BTW If you want to play and I have somehow missed you, I hang my head shamefully but will raise it proudly and promptly add you to the list!]

A Hairdresser’s Diary

A Writer’s Journey


Extraordinary Ireland

I.O.U. Sex



Surviving Life My Cats

Texas, a Cat in New York

Thoughts and Prayers