New Blog Tour- Get to know a character in progress….or….?





I’d like to thank  Micki Peluso, author of  “And the Whippoorwill Sang”  , asked me to participate in this blog tour. To read her post, click on 

I’ve been asked to respond to the following questions about My Main Character in a work in progress. Although my character and book have reached their goal and completed the book. My overall goal is to continue to motivate, inspire and educate people on many things as exhibited below. My story has won two awards and the Discovery Channel did a mini documentary on it.


  1. What is the name of your character? Is he/she fictional or a historic person.

My character is me and this is a non-fiction book, this is my true story.

  1. When and where are the stories set?

They are set in America and Iran from my adoption at 6 months to my current status in 2009.

  1. What should we know about him/her?

I went thru physical abuse, childhood sexual abuse, substance abuse and was finally put into a POW type camp in IRAN the day after 911. I was raped, beaten and starved x6wks, while handcuffed to another girl, Faresh from Bahrain. We eventually escape and this is a VERY GRAPHIC BOOK!

  1. What is the main conflict? What messes up his/her life?

I marry an Iranian who turns out to be a terrorist, and once in his country I can’t leave without his written permission. I eventually find out he’s a state sponsored terrorist who kills Iranian war vets so the govt. doesn’t have to deal with their injuries or payments.

  1. What is the personal goal of the character?

To enlighten the public to the ways of Middle Eastern culture (that was the goal of the book). The goal of myself in the book is to first escape the camp and make it back to America, and then come home to deal with PTSD as well as my other ailments. I screw up bad at first trying to drowned and drug my way out of my memories, then I meet a man who turned my life around 180 degrees. I finally enter rehab in 2008 and went on to write this book, and speak about my experience once a month at a rehab hospital, where it inspires other patients to escape the hell that substances create for you.

  1. When can we expect the book collection to be published?

It was published in July 2009.

The links for my book are below. (WEBSITE) (BLOG) (TWITTER)!/lforoozandeh (FB) (My book on AMAZON)  (DISCOVERY CHANNEL/ go to 28 minute mark)


Below is the author and his bio that I’ve asked to participate in this blog tour.


Bio for Jim Secor


Jim Secor thought he would advance his theatre career by giving up 11 years of live theatre production and writing by going off to get a PhD. Little did he know! Like nowhere else, it’s out of sight out of mind. He worked with the Lifers at KS State Penn and did summer vaudeville and somehow he got the doctorate, with no little fight and stress, and wrote a ground-breaking, though not academically enchanting, and dissertation on women and morals in theatre. Then he studied, post PhD, at the National Puppet Theatre of Japan while writing Tanka and managing an honorable mention in a national competition. Illness forced a return to the States where he worked in disability until he was forced out, blacklisted–some people just don’t know when to stop, I swear. Seven years in China followed–not teaching ESL–with multiple productions, including an all-female Lysistrata that, by Jimsecor’s standards, was the worst thing he’s ever done, TV commercials, a documentary and the publication of poems in a major journal. He was commissioned for a film and a play; the play was not liked, the film was deemed unable to pass the censors, so they never saw the light of day. Via Liverpool, he returned to the US and publication in The Speed of Dark and his own book, Det. Lupée: The Impossible Cases. He can be found on Linkedin and at along with Minna Vander Pfaltz, while his essays are sprinkled all over the internet. Jimsecor’s email is Lord, lord, lord–what does Helleccino mean?




3 thoughts on “New Blog Tour- Get to know a character in progress….or….?

  1. Lori, it takes a lot of courage to write so openly about issues that have shaped your life and experience. Your book should be mandatory reading in educational programs, for it not only provides invaluable information about the ways of certain people but is also a lesson about how to face adversity and defeat it. A great book by a wonderful woman whom I deeply respect and admire.


  2. Lori,
    It is great you are able to speak about actual events that took place in Iran from a personal perspective. I salute you for being so candid and sharing this with readers. We all need to realize what goes on there.

    Like Micki, I hope women in Iran will read your book and feel they too have hope for survival.

    This is a great blog about You, the main character.

    Cherrye S. Vasquez, Ph.D.


  3. Hi Lori, this was an awesome look into the life of your character. I read your book, gave it five stars and reccomended it as something all women, especially those abused in any manner, should read. I hope you find a way to get your book into Iran so that women there realize they are no longer alone and things are going to change soon. Your book will make that happen even sooner.

    Micki Peluso


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